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About Spiritwind

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  1. Where'd you go?

  2. Thought people who come back aren't important and don't matter? Congrats though, while I can't say I think it's a good thing, you have put a lot of time and work into SG since your perm removal, and that is something that does not happen much anymore.
  3. Thanks for the update, much appreciated.
  4. A Jailbreak server might actually get me on again. It would be neat, though I bet it'd be depressing with 'old man' me not having the same reaction speed as before.
  5. Do wish we could keep this serious so some actual good might come of it. Though, I do appreciate some of the humor.
  6. I see my shadow ban expired, thanks. @jazzytake this any way you want. From your ban appeal: "It took a lot of years for me to grow up and figure out how to actually interact correctly with people rather than being polarizing all the time like I was before" There is no other way to describe each and every response you have made to me other than 'polarizing'. You are very defensive, you are very passive aggressive, and you have been trying to demean me from the get go. You are doing a very poor job of interacting with people. I actually walked into this with respect for you as it was obvious you were putting a lot of effort into the servers. That respect has since been totally lost. The right thing to have done during all this would have been to try and sit down and actually talk. Try and hash things out. Instead of telling me I'm inactive and my opinion does not matter, try and get me active and helping. Try and get the other people in here active and helping. That is what leadership does. The only person I've actually gained a little respect for in all this is @Dominic. At least he listened, remained calm, didn't try and belittle people talking against him, and tried to make suggestions to move forward, even if it may have felt like a charade.
  7. @Caution @Dominic @jazzy The most activity SG has seen in the last 2 years has been a thread calling for your resignation. Let that sink in. You can post whatever you want defending yourselves, you can delete and ban however many +1 posts calling for your resignation; but it happened. That is the strength of your current leadership.
  8. Yes, you banned the ones who werent because they spoke out against you. Your excuses for banning them were plum stupid. Your narassism is showing since your power was called out.
  9. This is exactly what this entire thread has been. Members speaking out and staff having a conversation that consists of them trying to put a boot in it.
  10. Jazzy has been doing nothing but making "I know more than you and I'm the boss" posts. Hes literally not given any ground at all on ANYTHING. This has not been a discussion, not in the least. Him and Dom have been doing their best to give the appearance of a convo, while really just flipping us the bird and trying to act like we are stupid and have no clue what is going on. True leadership and true listening skills. SG is no longer a community, so many have spoken out about it, and so many have been banned or disregarded. It just hits the nail further into the board. I urge you Huwa, read his long ass reply to me and tell me where that post isn't completely one sided and telling me to go fuck myself.
  11. Jazzy, your wall of posts is just you shitting on us and proving our point that SG is ran by tyranical people driving it into the ground. SG is not doing well. There are not active players. Its top server is rank #250 in tracked servers in a SAME AS DEAD GAME. Get real. This place is a disaster, and your ideas have not been helping. This is the sort of leadership that brought SG here. I'm done with this conversation. Dictators are going to be Dictators, and you, Dom, and Caution do not give two shits about SG. All you care about is your title and the perceived power you get with it. The fact you are completly disregarding and shitting on so many members of SG shows it. This is what SG has become under your leadership. Enjoy the ship you set sail on.
  12. Exactly what Delirium said, with the exception that you keep pointing out what you think, without actually commenting on the points anyone else is making against your ideas. Of course the forums are dead. Staff abandoned the forums when it was the foundation of the community. As pointed out in discord chat, nowhere in the Gmod Server does it mention the forums, but right off the bat it mentions discord. Trying to say "well players are joining discord instead of the forums" is baseless, as of course they are only going to join discord when they don't know about the forums... Not only that, I don't even see mention of the forums really on discord. I don't see any form of incentive to join the forums. Forums help retain members. The proof you are looking for is in this very thread. As delirium pointed out, you have people who have been members for 15 years commenting on this thread. As delirium pointed out (and I in the past here), discord does not retain members. Its just another server channel in the 50+ channels most people are in. I'm in about a dozen discord channels. Most, I joined, was active for a week or two, and never left, but haven't looked since. 90% of your members in discord are probably exactly the same. "Even the ones in TTT ... they do not care about the community unless it's to play games" That is where our leadership has failed. At least one spot. To make a community, you have to form an environment people want to be a part of. When you joined, you didn't just stick to a single server. No, you joined the forums, discovered we had more to offer, and then got banned. Point is, you are drawing in a useless crowd. It will not build SG up. It is a placebo of numbers. You admit as much yourself. But, the numbers help you feel like its a success, so you want to remove one of the true indicators of the pace things are actually at. Discord: Pros: Easy to have light convos. Easy to create an account. Voice Chat Channels (Although currently mostly unused) right at your fingertips. Easy to quickly burry mistakes. Huge Numbers of inactive players showing active Cons: Terrible at data management. Terrible at providing information. Very disorganized and overwhelming for new people with walls of information. Terrible amounts of useless bot spam that blow out 'stats' that make things look more active. Does not stand out from the other mass of 1000s of gaming communities. Just another generic channel in the horde. Useless donations with 'perks' that don't actually seem to do anything real to help. No google seo. No email gathering. No user retention. Forums: Pros: Easy data management. Easy Information Tool. Looks professional. Sets us aside from the horde of failing gaming communities. Google SEO and search result potential Server Tracking. Realistic user interaction statistics. Easy to research prior information and events. Email gathering to help with long term retention through event announcements (why don't we have a newsletter?) Already have 23,000+ members Long term users visit the forums regularly. Helps to show that SG has been around, and will be around if the right choices are made. Future possibilities are endless. The forums can be molded into whatever we want. Discord can only be molded into what discord wants (or spam bots people have created). IS THE FOUNDATION ON WHICH SG HAS BEEN BUILT Cons: Takes staff time to maintain. Is a coding mess currently. Easy for users to see discussions such as this that are going on. Was abandoned "very stupidly" by previous staff. Is harder for users to make accounts. But, long term retention is far higher. There is also a reason donations were much more successful when the forums were active. Anyone who thinks the forums aren't failing because of discord must not have been around much prior to 2018. A lot of work went into the forums, yes, but SG did very well because of it. It really comes down to incentives. There were lots of incentives before to join the forum, now there are 0. You were told all over in the server, by the server and players, to join up and join the convo. Now there is none of that. Yes, even before discord we were having trouble with getting and keeping members on the forums, but that was also after we got rid of most of our forums benefits. We also got rid of the SG Mem and reg system, which were very big attractors to the forums. Now all that attention is on Discord, and it's not really generating very much beyond what the shoutbox previously accomplished.
  13. Yes, I was inactive, but I've also been a member since 2009. I ran another gaming community, and instead of trying to steal SG members, I fed SG members from my gaming community. When we finally disbanded, it actually became a part of SG Minecraft. When you actually genuinely care about a place, instead of just being power hungry and wanting a title, that is the sort of thing you do. The power hungry don't change, they just get better at hiding it. For the last 14 years I have been involved in SG. To give you a reference, that's longer than you lived without SG. 14 years later and I still care enough to check in. I've made some lifetime friends in here, and unforgettable memories. I hate seeing it ran into the ground. I hate seeing what it has become. I hate seeing some of the same staff working their butts off, hoping for change; but continuing just to keep it alive. If you look back at my inactivity, you will see that I left and took a break when similar terrible decisions were made, and the higher staff failed to listen to the community. It's been an ongoing plague, and I've finally reached the point where I'll keep calling it out until I either get banned or change actually happens. If we don't, then the whole community will go under anyways. Way to try and belittle and disregard the criticism though. Sure you say the same thing about the 20 individual accounts you and the staff banned over it. Also, most of your staff thinks the same. They just don't want to get pushed out of the social group.
  14. Another post that hits the nail on the head of exactly what i was talking about. I'm not in your group, so anything I say is just words in the wind. "No offense to you, but you came back in 2017 (?), were mostly inactive for a bit as TA, then left again. I hardly know who you are" So much for being open to criticism and you welcome this sort of talk. You have not done anything to make me hate you, and I don't hate you. I wish you the best in life, and I hope life is good. With that said, I don't think you should have ever been let back into SG, and I made it clear on why I believe that. You being let back into the community is just a symptom of the sickness killing the community. I'm just calling you out, and you aren't use to that. Your admins aren't going to call you out, they don't want to 'end up banned' like half the people who commented support. The rest are all in your social group, and of course they aren't going to call you out. "If the current staff" You keep saying the staff, and that is where I call you out on your crock of shit. 90% of the people posting in here have said exactly that "RESIGN". Your staff isn't calling you out, the whole freaking community is Dominic. This is a community after all, they are the ones that matter. You guys can joke and act like this is some popcorn eating charade, or you can take action. Not my choice and I'm getting tired of trying. When it fails though, just remember it did so under your supreme 'leadership'. This is getting ridiculous because you guys are trying to move on and pretend like nothing happened. I have given pointers here; for you to resign, for inactive staff to resign, and for the remaining active staff to start rebuilding stronger and better, in a community oriented way. Not wasting precious man hours on pointless avenues but instead focus on what matters. The community, populating the servers, and getting people engaged. "don't think we're in the right spot for me to leave the guys in power directionless" Yes, because your direction has really helped a lot. Such a booming community since you became VP
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