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Mad Dogg

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  1. Here's a really interesting lecture about Russias strategic culture and how they function. The lecturer has worked most his life in Military intelligence and has pretty much worked with Russians his whole career. It's originally in Finnish, but there are English subtitles available for those interested. I do agree that to understand the current Russia we need to know it's history. And this lecture offered some really good insight to the whole history of Russia and it's people.
  2. Definitely not the first time Russians have gone through difficult times. Many don't even seem to be bothered by the economy too much and seem to think this as a passing thing. Obviously the market is going to react to these news on short term, but what really counts is the long-term effects they might have on the Russian economy. These might be the harshest sanctions imposed on Russia but we have no way of knowig if they will actually work yet. I'm almost certain tha Russian government learned from it's annexation of Crimea and the from the sanctions imposed by the west and they have enough reserve to fix their economy without any real damage. At least Putin doesn't seem to be worrying about them too much. Cutting Russia from the swift payment system might be the biggest hit on Russian economy. This also hit Russians abroard pretty hard. I heard that many of them on vacation in Thailand were having troubles because their cards weren't working and no one would accept the plumeting ruble. Well, for one Russia acted as the clear aggressor here. I think I explained in the previous thread that the justifications for the invasion are complete bullshit from our point of wiev. Russia has for a long time been doing this large misinformation campaing to justify these actions to their citizens and foreigners, being more successful in convincing it's citizens and escpecially the older generation, whose only source of information is the state controlled news outlet. Infinityward summed it up pretty nicely. I by no means blame the whole nation. There are many who oppose these actions conducted by their government. There's just little they can do considering they're being arrested for protesting said actions and since the political opposition is either in exile, jailed or killed, the only thing for most is to either obey or face the consiquenses. There are those, who are brave enough to speak against their leaders. There are however those, who follow their leaders blindly and believe everything said, or just simply don't care what they're doing. The source question is an interesting topic on it's own. I generally have a pretty good trust in the media outlets of my country. Without getting too much into detail about it all I can do is read evrything said with a grain of salt and from multiple sources. At least we have the luxory of checking multiple sources before coming to any conclusions.
  3. Pretty much. The only real thread seems to be if one side decides to use it as a "dirty bomb" either to just blackamiling the other party or blowing it up to contaminate the surrounding areas, which I find unlikely considering it will affect both Russia and Europe alike.
  4. The last thread was derailed quite badly and locked for a good reason. However, I'd like to continue this discussion being impactful in the world politics. I'd also love to hear more international opinions since I've only had to privalige to discuss the situation with my colleagues and friends in Finland. I'm sure we can keep the discussion on the actual topic. Anyway, so far the situation is that Russian troops are closing in on the capital Kiev and have managed to capture some key locations. Apparently Ukrainians are putting up some good resistance. Interesting to see how long they manage to keep it up. The west is not planning on intervening militarily but are setting sanctions that hopefully affect the Russian economy enough to sway them or inflict long term damage to it. Also interesting the current situation in Chernobyl. The power plant, now being decomissioned, has been seized by the Russian forces. They are apparently holding the workers there hostage. This should not pose any huge risks to the surrounding are, but the power plant still does require maintenance. The situation also sparked a discussion in Sweden and Finland about the possibility of joining NATO. The big news about this is that the Russian government reacted to this saying "Finland’s accession to NATO would have serious military and political repercussions." Pretty much same what was said about Ukraine joining NATO. Link Anyway, at least I'm following the situation with great interest living in a nation that borders the current aggressor.
  5. Neo-nazis and the far right movement is a small minority in the Ukrainian politics, and considering their current president is jewish I find it hard to believe the current government want anything to do with the far right movement And. in 2019 they only got 2.15 % of the votes with no seats in the parlament. Sure it's a problem that should not be ignored, but it should be handled internally. Justifying a full scale of invasion of a neighbouring country based of this and the conserns for national security just seem like a excuse for the true reasons for the invasion. Honestly seems like this is all because Putin doesn't want to lose the influence over Ukraine to the west and escpecially to NATO. And Putin did really say in an interview that "we will strive for the demilitarization and de-natzification of ukraine". I doubt that's true. I believe Putin is actually looking to set up a puppet government loyal to Moscow that he can easily controll. Kind of what seems to be happening with Belarus and Lukashenko. (Note these are only my opinions on the situation, nothing is actually known for now for the true intentions of Moscow.) Anyway my thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. They are the ones paying the price for this war and as it currently stands, they're standing alone with "material and economic" support from the west.
  6. Looks like I'll have to download Gmod again.
  7. I'm truly heartbroken to hear such a spirited and golden hearted member of this community pass away. You've undoubtedly had a tremendous impact on this community that most of us will remember for the rest of our lives. I will remember you as a person who brought laughter to this community with your personality and memes. You are a long standing member of this community and one of the finest I've met. I still remember the days you were promoted to the administrative team and the days I spend teaching you the ropes, the days we spend on meetings and the days gaming together. I had a lot of fun and I'm truly happy how far you made it in the community. I will always relish these memories we shared together. I'd like to pass my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. May you rest in peace my friend.
  8. This thread needs way more Witcher 3. Just an amazing soundtrack. [video=youtube;TJuPBBw-l-M]
  9. I'll have what she's having.
  10. Happy birthday dog!

  11. I really love how you named your bird. RIP
  12. this mans a gamer

  13. Congrats guys!
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