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  1. You should be listening to this
  2. I think a great example of this point can be seen with GMOD TTT. Elf, Huwa, Jazzy, and triou actually play on the server, constantly get it populated, and seed it as often as they can. If you also look, its the ONLY server been actively updated, developed, maps being added. If you look at the server its has more players than any of the others servers and guess why? Because the people running the server actually care, play on the server, and enjoy it. I can almost promise you more than half of the AO+ members have not touched a server in months. What we need is more members like Elf, Huwa, and Jazzy who actually care. The only reason I am still around is because of these guys and the work they put into make a server consistently fun. Also, the amount of threads that propose big changes and literally never go anywhere is crazy. This community is essentially all talk, no action. I'm not saying its easy to make changes or run a community, its not. However, the people in charge lack serious motivation or discipline. Either do something or step down and let people who actually have ideas and motivation step into those roles (easier said than done, I'm aware). I don't want to shit on anyone, but come on guys this community had so much potential and its sad to see its current state.
  3. What does rebranding accomplish exactly? Why rebrand? I feel like this is one way to drop the already dead player base even lower as when people look up SG they are going to find it gone. One the things this community has going for it, or did was the long standing history and rebranding defeats that in my eyes. I could be wrong or out of touch but its my two cents.
  4. How to ratings

  5. Hmm, good question. If I saw an advertisement I would want to join if I got something that I had an actual use for on servers. To be honest, I don't really use the SG Discord so you may already have these things but in terms of ideas discord perks: Custom VIP Icon, Custom Badges, Custom, custom Emotes, CSGO: Custom TTT weapons only available to certain ranks, do we have !ws? or custom skin pickers? I think its clear valve doesn't care to ban anyone who uses them, add !votekick and !voteban for those who donate when admins aren't on, specific skins and hats only for those who donate or are using the clan tag in their name. x2 points if we still use store. Rank lists with top VIP players only and not Randoms, Custom chat color/name color Gmod: Name colors or tags or leaderboard name colors, (I know is vanilla, buuutt) stores with hats or whatever nothing too bloaty. Forums: Add gifs to user profile pictures Ability to add custom emote to CB Add more customization to Profile pages that only special ranks can use Like I said, some of these may already be in the servers, not possible, etc but just throwing some ideas out there.
  6. What would you propose we offer people besides: Supporter Role Permission to make Private Channels Ability to post images and gifs across all our channels Where to be honest most people can have/do this on their own channels with their friends? I mean its great to advertise but maybe we bump up benefits and give people a real reason to come to the CSGO servers/forums/discord. It also helps if more people actually use the SG tag as well.
  7. This would be really fun, also an event that was super popular years ago was morbus too. Also, could help to grow our gmod population if we advertise our TTT server on it.
  8. Sounds like a good idea, just like an hour or two long event every Sunday.
  9. Full map name Bunch of GunGame Maps Type of map CSS - GunGame Link to map download See listed below Additional information aim_ag_texturetown https://gamebanana.com/mods/133214 gg_nuketown https://gamebanana.com/mods/135968 gg_cardhouse https://gamebanana.com/mods/134057 GG_legoarena https://gamebanana.com/mods/135558 gg_neonarena https://gamebanana.com/mods/135912 Screenshots attached See Links
  10. Just wanted to say thanks for taking over the community and supporting it all these years. I enjoyed being an AO and working with you to make this an amazing place that allowed me to meet so many great people, a few of whom I talk with almost everyday. Wish you the best, and thanks again.
  11. Regarding events, I hear in the meeting that we create events for games that are popular.... Why are we not trying to fill already established servers? Having people go away from established servers is counter intuitive? How do you grow a community without playing on servers that are there everyday? Having a fun GTA event is cool but it doesn't attract new players. I understand keeping things fresh for people who already stay but this community's problem is staying stagnant and not growing. You aren't going to grow if you make an event away from the main community that the general public of players can't get to, no? Not trying to hate on that team, but we talked about it during the meeting and I just feel like the focus is all wrong with events in general in my opinion.
  12. Back in the day I think we had 2 ZE severs that were constantly full and in the CSS days I think we were the #1 servers. We also, had 2 JB servers that were good but not as highly rated.
  13. To answer your question: 1. The choice of SSD v HDD will change how your system performs. I'm of the opinion unless you're doing data hoarding or servers there isn't really a reason you should be looking at a HDD. SSDs are faster, are not as loud as HDD, more reliable, and smaller. 2. If you want the best of the best, most reliable. There is no contest, Samsung - No other manufactures come close to speeds and reliability. I have a 120 gig SSD that I've owned as has been my OS drive for like 8 years and never had a single issue. My Rec: https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Portable-SSD-1TB-MU-PC1T0T/dp/B0874XN4D8/ref=sr_1_3?crid=7FNTY1C57VL2&keywords=External+Samsung+ssd&qid=1661904699&sprefix=external+samsung+ss%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-3 RIP: Didn't see the date this was posted lol.
  14. Ty ty anytime

    1. ThRza


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