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About delirium

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  1. VULTURES 1...

    kanye stans will never cease to amaze me with their delusion
  2. only if you post 20 more times in here before they finalize the selection
  3. You place too much self importance on yourself dude, you are not living rent free in anyone's head. Literally any interaction we have had was either because you posted something dumb in public or mentioned me. Obviously your reading comprehension skills could still use some work if that's the take away you have from my interactions within the community, go through and do your best to read this thread alone and prove yourself wrong. You have zero goodwill in any message towards me because you are perpetually upset that I do not respect you or the majority of the content that you put forth into the community. Unless you magically regenerate whatever brain matter you lost that made you the way that you are you will continue to be mocked and clowned for your passive aggressiveness and smooth brain takes, end of story. Post screams "I am upset, please get bad man mocking me gone daddy jazzy" Hiding behind the "i am just a nice guy who means well" persona you're trying to cultivate is only doing yourself a disservice because it is obvious that that person is not who you are on the inside. Thanks for further derailing the thread with your drooling and persecution complex. also you use the light theme so I know for a fact that you are cognitively impaired.
  4. had the community been thriving there would be nothing to whine about my dude. I guess this is the new normal for someone who just came back from being banned for the better part of a decade to the current state of things.
  5. Outside of informing ejivis that he is eligible for disability benefits from the state what "unwanted behavior" are you referring to? The "unwanted behavior" of arguing against the archival of the forums? The "unwanted behavior" of ribbing jazzy over not wanting to do light forum moderation and a couple of php edits a year? Mischaracterizing people based on YOUR PERCEPTION of what is being said is where the disconnect here is. The language used does not automatically equate to someone being bitter or upset dude. It may be entirely plausible that your definition of "unwanted behavior" differs from mine, considering outside of two interactions I have only argued the points of this thread. You ASSUME that I am bitter or disgruntled because I am not sucking the staff here off for getting the community into the state its in today or because I don't agree with one of the directions your friend wants to take it. You are literally proving my point that it is currently a circlejerky echo chamber because you cannot fathom that anyone who drops a few expletive's and argues with you may not actually be upset.
  6. Rather put it in text instead of wasting time listing everything out in VC just for it to be completely disregarded, ignored, and trivialized. should have just banned spiritwind instead of removing his access by the way.
  7. Brother, what communications are you viewing? Outside of one post I have argued the points and not the person. your buddy wants to take shit personally and argue from a personal level so I did as well. literally only agree because yall are friends. y'all wanna cover your eyes and pretend everyone who doesnt view the situation overall or whatever topic is being discussed the same way you do is bitter or assmad and dismiss entirely valid points just based off the way that you personally perceive the communications. I hope your GMOD server explodes with population at the end of the day Huwa and leads to this place being as active as possible again. You hope that everyone just stops being "bitter" and leaves shit alone so it can be business as usual here and everyone can continue circlejerking in what has become an echo chamber where you pat yourselves on the back for doing close to nothing in comparison to what was. Continuing to mischaracterize people as "bitter" or "upset" or whatever dumb fucking take you have surrounding posts that want better for this community (even if misguided on some level) will lead you down the same exact path that got this place where its at today - devoid of people who care and are capable. there's a reason shit has continuously gone downhill for over 3 years and the responses (and non responses) I am seeing is just going to continue that.
  8. Never said you shouldn't focus on discord, I said your primary goal for long term player retention should be funneling people acquired from the servers/discord to the forums where the loyalty is actually built, not archiving and moving on from them. Again never said it wasn't a problem, I said that it is infinitely easier to do so on discord. Complexity is certainly a barrier to entry for some but will not stop everyone. Brother, what part of anything that I have typed indicates to you that I am telling the community to ignore discord completely? You're doing mental gymnastics at this point. That's an opinion of a frustrated internet hall monitor if I've ever seen one. I'm sure the 24 hours I've been back on SG's discord has deterred so much activity considering the only things i've posted is in relation to this debate, a wholesome conversation with @John about his cars, and a complete clowning of an actual moron. Of course I will double down on the statements I made after you muted me, I understand why you felt the need to do so but that doesn't automatically mean that what I said wasn't true. The person I was calling a brainlet is, in fact, a brainlet. No amount of coddling you do to curb people from voicing that will change that. I'm sorry that you're seething over someone telling you that your ideas are also partially retarded. If you cannot handle someone addressing your arguments on a topic as insignificant as you make all of this out to be then I can undoubtedly say you are not mentally fit to moderate any discussion regarding community aspects. You're literally demonizing my input because you personally don't agree and that makes you a manchild who places too much worth on being "right" instead of coming to a more nuanced solution. Your solution to move everything to specific channels does nothing but contribute to disorganization dude, not sure what you don't understand about a glorified shoutbox is not the place to have longform discussions on any aspect of a gaming community. I've been trying to play relatively nice with you because I assumed you were a capable individual but its becoming more and more apparent that you cannot comprehend basic concepts of community and information management You don't seem to be enjoying your time here at all to be honest. Characterizing dissent and debate as me "getting angry nonstop" is childish and indicative that you cannot handle adult conversations. You're almost 30 and upset that I'm not coddling your feelings while not agreeing with the direction you're proposing, would you rather me word it like this? "Hey buddy, you did a real good job coming up with neat ideas but I don't think what you worked so hard on is the entire direction we should be taking. it's okay though because I made you some dino nuggies and a juicebox for your effort" I think there are greener pastures where you can be unbothered by people disagreeing with you over text that you read as "upset" when its not sugarcoated and coddling your ego. Are there moments where I am intentionally pressing buttons? Sure. That's the only way to get answers or any sort of reaction here sometimes. Is every post or comment I make here intentionally antagonistic? Nope. Your inability to differentiate between what you deem as "antagonistic" and an opposing viewpoint is going to further your inability to effectively manage any asset here or otherwise. I'll play on the servers I enjoy playing on. The only semi active server you have is in a game I don't enjoy playing. Gatekeeping what a community member is is something you quite literally just foamed at the mouth for when it came from spiritwind. Because you came into IG's discord to clarify that you don't talk shit about Retro when quite literally no one asked. I'll go ahead and double down on what I said there as well: I dont think you specifically should put much effort into reviving this community because you specifically are not built for it as evidenced by your very own attitude and posts within this thread. You're about to turn thirty big guy, stop acting like a child that cant differentiate between someone not being 100% on board with your ideas and someone that is actively attacking you. And for clarification: this post is actively attacking your character for not being able to handle a fucking different opinion over archiving an internet forum. Grow the fuck up and learn how collaboration works, it's rarely going to be 100% what jazzy wants in a group setting and the faster you can accept that people will have different opinions than you the faster you can grow beyond the fucking manchild you're acting like right now.
  9. take a couple of breaths bud I know your adrenaline is still pumping from muting me. Comparing creating your own ventrillo or teamspeak server to creating a free server in 2 clicks is asinine. It is infinitely easier to establish a discord than set up/pay for hosting on those mediums. You're being intentionally obtuse or intellectually dishonest with yourself if you really believe the two experiences are remotely the same. Locked channels didn't contribute to the perception of a dead server. You (not you personally) may not have been invited into every cool kids chat but its not even debatable that activity on those two platforms was infinitely more apparent at a glance than it ever has with discord for this community specifically. Anecdotal evidence of a few people being upset they were not as liked as they thought they were is not a reason to completely dismiss the fact that ts/vent had more VC activity than discord overall. Regardless of the reasoning it still contributes to a lack of activity on the main server and directly correlates to "unwanted behavior" from groups that think they're hot shit. Again, not saying this didn't happen in the ts/vent era but it is infinitely easier to do these things on discord due to the differences in the way the applications function. While the namesake of the phrase wasn't employed you literally just used whataboutism to dismiss a point that only contributes to the main point which is "discord as your main hub doesn't build brand loyalty nearly as well as a centralized destination that doesn't have as much competition for attention as the forums" Which you refuse to address even though you posted a 15556 character line by line response to spiritwind. So what part of "archiving the forums" allows for any of the functions of the community that should be handled on the forums to, ya know, be handled on the forums? You gonna run things off of google docs or pastebin? In response to you saying that "it's okay if SG dies." Way to grab a promotion and immediately feed into the fatalistic nihilism that I referenced in a similar thread that you started in September. That kind of attitude is becoming of someone who I personally would have no faith to move the community forward into a spot that these threads aren't full of former staff essentially bouncing rocks off the leaderships heads asking what's going on here. My feelings about you are actually neutral. I don't know you well enough to comment on anything about you other than the information and decisions you put forth into the public light. If you do/say something I feel is dumb I will absolutely call you on it just like I will call anyone else out for shit takes and expect myself to be held accountable as well in that regard. Stop taking discussions/debates surrounding the direction the community is/should take (or any topic that people don't agree with you on) personally as you seem to currently be doing and you'll have a much better time here and in your personal/professional life as well.
  10. hope you doing well gang

  11. I'm glad TTT is pulling people in never said I wasn't. I don't expect people joining here in 2023 after 1-20 hours of TTT to care about the community outside of neat server to play on. SG has always been a gaming community with drama and I don't expect that it will ever change considering the demographics. It is not my intentions to tell Elf or Huwa or whoever how to manage their server or their player base, I really couldn't give two shits about how they do things as long as it's working and they're still impassioned to do the things they're currently doing. As far as the last couple of sentences of that paragraph go its pretty par for the course for some percentage of players to involve themselves deeper into the community as they gain some time here and that is really who sticks around which is why the forums is crucial for player retention at the end of the day. People have a billion discords that they're active in that they can hop between at will which is not building brand loyalty or strengthening ties to a community at all. While people that just want to game is the lifeblood of the community as they keep population numbers on servers up which in turn brings even more people, that is not going to keep the community running indefinitely, you still need people to handle the day to day aspects of running the server and all of the other moderation that having a larger player base entails. Could all of this be handled on discord? possibly. Should all of it be handled on discord? absolutely not. Discord is a tool, not the end all be all of communication and information distribution, for the longest time players who just wanted to play would join up on vent/ts and do just that. the difference is with discord it is so much easier to bubble your friend group out of the main community discord which leads to a perception of inactivity when it comes to voice chat which in turn makes discord a glorified shout box. The end goal for maximum player retention should have always been driving players to the forums before it became a ghost town. There is a reason you see people on here with join dates from over a decade ago still posting, even if it is infrequently. How many people that just joined the discord and not the forums in 2020 are still around and posting in there? I'll wait while you grab the stats. responding on points that were not addressed to you seems a bit retarded and is becoming of a strawman but if you feel like your activity is low you're welcome to do whatever you like. A little or a lot of inactivity hasn't stopped anyone from holding rank here for a while.
  12. How dare you forget the ARK survival server owner. Shame on you.
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