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About Noob^

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  1. Mass Unban

    I take full credit for this
  2. You guys need to suck peoples dicks if you have to bro lmao.
  3. Nobody online to delete threads??? Here is an ongoing live cam of Clowns asleep while trolls are awake and thriving.
  4. A solution.

  5. A solution.

    I understand your comments. I just want to give my two cents on a couple points you made. Removing decade old bans isn’t going to bring anyone back, those people are long gone. I’d be surprised if you got more than 5 people from those very old bans to show up. I can understand the “not removing every ban”, there are some things that people have done that go to far which may include like real life matters and etc. As far as cheating/trolling/bad language goes, who REALLY honestly cares that much about something that happened 1-5 years ago that may have inconvenienced them for a game or few mins at most. It may be slightly annoying to deal with but I mean the terms could be like a last chance basis, if they cross the line easy to get rid of. IMO way to much politics/seriousness for a gaming community around here. Maybe not the right words here at the end but you get what I mean. @Black Rain
  6. Fellow gamers, SG is undoubtedly not in a great place regarding forum/server activity. Activity on here has been as low as I have seen it in my time here. I would like to propose an idea that may seem crazy but may also revitalize SG. Unban all regulars on a one time last chance basis. This would bring in a lot of old members who were one time very active and may bring some life to the forums/servers. This idea seems a little crazy but in my opinion people change, and there ain’t going to be a community to ban from if things don’t change soon. There will of course be repeat offenders etc, but how hard is it to hit the ban button lol. Thoughts?
  7. Loser Mentality...

    Yea you’re right I didn’t read your entire blog post of you bitching. Cry is free buddy. I’d surrender right away too if you were on my team. Good luck you talentless worm.
  8. Loser Mentality...

    What rank are you man
  9. Finally shit getting done around here.
  10. What does this even mean? Are you trying to flame me. If so do it with your chest
  11. No respectable human will log in and wanna look at that all day. @Caution@Gator
  12. Nah seriously get rid of that logo it’s disgusting
  13. Promotions!

    Not gonna lie almost got baited and banned for this. Nt apes
  14. Just crazy. RIP man
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