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About tommie

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  1. Can I get an update on whats happening/happened with the retakes ranks?
  2. I am ready to shit on the entire community, sign me up.
  3. I am unaware if it is possible for this feature to be added, but have confidence it would be a good addition to JB. For anyone who has never played another JB server before SG many other servers have a feature called !redie it allows a dead T or CT to "revive them-self" so nobody can see them and they have no effect on the game. This gives players some thing to do after dying, and allows new players to learn some of the maps. I see that as beneficial because starting out of a server with so many maps and so many secrets on every map creates a very sharp learning curve to JB and I think this command would help new players a ton.
  4. I think this is extremely stupid. There should be no way this is aloud, it has one point kill all the ts. It is not how the death game is meant to be played. Its not fun, it is a total asshole move. Its not even a death game at that point, you just have no chance of survival. The only people who live are the ones who happen to be jumping at that moment, everyone else has no chance of survival. I don't have a solution for the wording of said rule, besides don't be a dipshit trying to cause trouble.
  5. I still think that a !o command would be the best. Maybe a ct types !o and the next thing they type pops up on the bottom of your screen similar to a notification. I believe that would remove ALL confusion.
  6. New Stand-up mic

    @URPALERP @TheZZL are those both usb plugins?
  7. New Stand-up mic

    might go for that at only 50, I assume you use the included mic? @TheZZL because ive heard you talk
  8. New Stand-up mic

    Ill get that if i get the headset. One more thing do you have any idea how good the mic is?
  9. New Stand-up mic

    how much is said accesory?
  10. New Stand-up mic

    I was looking at the cloud alphas, hows the directional hearing? @URPALERP
  11. New Stand-up mic

    @Gentoo any suggestions for a mic? And thank you for that quality mic. I would also be very open to just a new headset with a better mic.
  12. I am looking for a new stand-up mic, and suggestions. Maybe a headset you like with a good mic? Mainly looking for a mic upgrade. Budget ~ 100 any were up to about 150
  13. https://www.speedtest.net/result/8466801584.png
  14. I didnt get a clip for an example but i think you get it
  15. @fantastic, with the diving boards @tweedle or whatever his forum name is was making us constantly jump up and down causing us to land on fellow T's heads killing us from fall damage is that really aloud I mean it kills all the ts besides the ones sitting at the bottom..
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