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About Noxstar

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  1. Everything feels… fine. My issue with the game has always been and always will be the fact that the lesson of revenge not fixing anything could’ve been learned with literally turning point in the story. It just doesn’t feel satisfying but yeah that’s about it, Last of Us 2 is great otherwise.
  2. thrizza gg
  3. I would've said this too if I didn't read so much on how ineffective this could be even if we achieved it but I'll still be optimistic as there are still great strides in making this happen anyway. Anyway, 1. Constitution 2 2. World Peace
  4. QoTD 10/11/2022

    what do you work as? I would do a 3hr walk, I used to do them with friends over the summer.
  5. no. congrats on promos tho.
  6. Lick my balls

  7. and how many personal trainers are secretaries? There isn’t a mutual exclusion between knowledge and what she does to herself. People and countries are in different situations, but I agree maggie should not have been in office for as long as she had been but only because she was a remnant of the 2014 government that refused to get along with current times. ad hominem
  8. I would say I’m looking forward to computer science but that’s not necessarily true. Math and physics have been looking interesting so far but who knows, maybe I’ll find more passion in cs later.
  9. votekick. supporter-dedicated menus like how it is on ttt for in-game items/perks. supporters get item locked things for free instead of having to buy them in the shop, having it locked then forcing people to pay credits anyway was stupid. give supporters redie or something QoL.
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