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  1. physically impossible with current server population
  2. A solution.

    Hey man, I appreciate the response as well. I like that we can have a nice and respectful argument here. I'm going to try and put this into a real world situation here because the only difference here is that we're all sitting behind computer screens and wouldn't say a quarter of the shit in person compared to on the internet. Say you were in high school again and some kid that you're somewhat friends with, not extremely close, had a disability. Would you go up to him and start heckling him for having a disability? I would hope you say no, and if you say yes you're not a good person, at all. It's not, in any way, rygor's responsibility to be the one to put a stop to the shit. People need to be decent humans and realize what they're saying, that's why there should have been consequences to these peoples' actions. And this isn't a joke, the line has to be drawn somewhere and I would say making fun of somebody's disability is where it should be drawn. I know that you can't read minds but come on, you know that these things are hurtful toward him whether he shrugs it off or not. It's not like you're making fun of him because he did something stupid or make a bad joke, it's not like he chose to have a disability.
  3. A solution.

    I have no idea what was going on with the Banana Joe thing and I easily could have came in at a bad time. I know that the good guys are trolls (sometimes) and I'm not totally oblivious, but I was more so talking about the thing with rygor. I am totally speaking in a point of neutrality here because I don't know the full story, but rygor was saying that the IA team used to constantly make fun of his disability. If I was a random that had just joined the discord, saw that, and then saw BoM's reply of "did you complain?" which, respectfully, is like the worst excuse I have ever seen, I would leave, instantly. Aside from my response, you have to understand why that looks really, really bad to any new players. In rygor's defense, can you not see the problem of someone getting made fun of by the people that run this community? Can you understand why rygor might be a little intimidated to complain, because the people that he can complain to are the ones making fun of him? The whole thing with the discord being distasteful, once again I could have come in at a bad time, but, it's also not the first time I have seen shit like that before. In response to what I said before, about 'regulars going to their own servers', I know for a fact that are many groups of people that are still very active on video games in general, and for certain reasons do not come to the main discord. I know that many staff members are in these servers and know what they're like. They have a sense of community. They enjoy their own server a hell of a lot more than the SG one. Do you think that these groups of people went to their own discord because they felt like, or because they didn't like the atmosphere at SG anymore? That's for you to decide, but I can confidently say that I know the answer to that. I am, for the times that I can even play, very active on the CS:GO servers. It literally pains me that I have been here for nearly 4 years and seeing the servers like this. Like I said before, there are groups of many old/new regulars that would still be willing to play the servers if the servers were actually populated. The roots are that this is a CS:GO gaming community. Personally, and this is my opinion, us moving away from that is what finally killed off our servers. I go in the main discord a few days a week to try and get people on scrim. It's not like I'm drastically changing the servers forever, but I'm doing what I can as an admin. I feel like there's just no willingness to do anything anymore. Maybe that was a problem with our recent staff and maybe the new ones have answers. I give my best of luck and wishes to the new staff and the ones that actually care. To the ones that don't care and do this just to hold a higher rank than everyone else, fuck you. The main point I was trying to get at in my original post is that there is no way that you can sit here and tell me that our community as a whole is in a better place than it was at any point in its life. The sense of community is gone, things need to change, people need to change, and being ignorant and stubborn to the problems isn't going to help anyone. Maybe start by trying to better repair relationships with the members and staff, because, afaik, this has been a problem for a long time.
  4. A solution.

    I generally read forums posts and try to get a gist of what still goes on (forums and discord sides) since I still play the servers but I can confidently say that this has been our problem recently for the longest time. Personally, I feel like I can't even join the SG discord and make a few jokes without the fear of pissing someone off and they start talking to someone. But, I'm not saying that we should open the flood gates and allow everything. The 'fun' environment in SG is gone, and has been for awhile now. I checked in to the main discord tonight because I was trying to get people on scrim (please join more often guys) and I saw an argument between like 6 people over the dumbest things. We are like, totally gone and moving away from a welcoming and fun atmosphere. Motivation is, from what I have seen and assume, gone from half of our staff members which is probably correlated to all of the distaste between our staff and members. 80% of our staff/admins don't even attempt to get on the servers anymore. Nobody even tries anymore, it's like a wasteland. Some people try running this place like they get paid millions for it. You don't. It's a gaming community. Let loose a little bit. All of the people that used to be regulars here moved to their own discords, for understandable reasons. The main discord is probably the most distasteful place at times. We need to bring back our welcoming environment and be a 'gaming community'.
  5. dufflefuck

  6. 3:55:32

  7. POV: You voted for Edmund
  8. Y'all slurping on my nuts, I like that. @Pred
  9. I don't really understand why you guys would want to do this. It's not going to be fun, nor entertaining, at all. You guys know (respectfully) that it would be 16-0 and the games would consist of complete domination. I'm not saying this to trash talk, I'm being dead serious. Nobody would watch it. Nobody cares about the 'two friend groups of SG'. I also don't understand how we're supposed to know all of this is in good fun. It kind of looks like you guys did this just so you could make it look like it was all a joke (which it really didn't seem like it at all, from our side and I assume other people's too) after totally blowing it out of proportion. You guys also took no initiative at all to message us, or talk to us, before and after posting this, so again, this post is just a waste.
  10. If we can't all agree that @Predis that guy then we can't move forward as a community.
  11. ill play on a nintendo switch and still drop yall
  12. 8:46:45

  13. 8:46:45

    ME AND THE BOYS AT 8:46:45
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