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About Strayyz

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  1. so like what do i do if theres 4 people left now?
  2. signed by



    yo muva

  3. ChatGPT

    As an AI language model, ChatGPT is a tool that can be used for both good and bad purposes, depending on how it is used. I'm not really sold on ChatGPT, and it could be very bad for these reasons: Bias: Like any machine learning model, ChatGPT can be biased based on the data it was trained on. If the training data is biased or incomplete, it could result in ChatGPT providing biased or inaccurate responses. Misinformation: ChatGPT is only as good as the information it has been trained on. If the information it has been trained on is incorrect or misleading, it could result in ChatGPT providing misinformation or inaccurate answers. Abuse: ChatGPT could be used for abusive or malicious purposes, such as creating fake news or spreading propaganda. This could have serious consequences for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Privacy: ChatGPT could potentially pose a risk to individual privacy, as it collects and stores data on user interactions. If this data falls into the wrong hands, it could be used for nefarious purposes. Dependence: There is a risk that people could become too dependent on ChatGPT for answers, and may stop thinking critically or seeking out diverse perspectives. This could have negative implications for society as a whole. It's important to note, however, that many of these potential issues can be addressed through proper training, oversight, and regulation of AI language models like ChatGPT.
  4. Super Bowl LVII

    can both teams lose?
  5. Hogwarts Legacy

    I'm bout to make tom riddle look like a fucking hall monitor; me gang killing every mudblood in sight wit dat kill curse.
  6. Let's Start Here

    something very new for yachty, and wasn't expecting this project at all from him tbh and is fs a pleasant surprise. It got that yachty voice on a psychedelic ahh album that flows together nicely with brain scratcher after brain scratcher. It's very good, no skips, 10/10, aoty album with all due respect. the alchemist is my fav and my second fav is pRETTy and it makes me feel like a bad bitch
  7. Go nuts guys! Heres mine! https://myplayoffpicks.com
  8. Watched nothing but Cartoon Network growing up and I still remember watching this shit not too long ago so this was an easy list for me to make. Just leave off what you don't remember watching or didn't watch enough to list. Here is my list (the objective one that is correct). Wish they added the IRL shit they did when I was growing up, like Destroy Build Destroy, Dude What Would Happen, and Hole in the Wall, cause those shows were goated. Plus, they had pokemon on that shit when I was growing up too, so pretend that shit and the shit I said earlier is in S tier. Also, they didn't add Firebreather; it would go in the Good tier. https://tiermaker.com/create/cartoon-network-programming-21708 <- heres the link to make ur own.
  9. MESSI SHORT FOR MESSIAH BITCH FRAUDNALDO DONT GOT SHIT ON THE GOAT (This was the only soccer match I ever watched)
  10. I ain’t readin alat, but thank you for everything you done here gang . Also thanks for playing payday with me and kopsta that one time. Best of luck big guy
  12. super mario rpg and it aint close either
  13. keyboard building is a great hobby Mint Chocolate Chip POM Switches for sure
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