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About Kataoka

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  1. Gotchu will show up there as "racially motivated"
  2. https://clipchamp.com/watch/UuF1jG1b7V9 @jazzy
  3. Working till i drop plus dont get home till all servers are pratically dead anyways
  4. Congrats all except this fucker
  5. Confession...

    Brother all i need is it looked at me funny it needs to die
  6. Shoutout @Trazz
  7. ima buy it to do the same thing he is saying
  8. so basically flip the list and there is the order? Got it <3 ya jim come back thou mf
  9. if i get to bully @Pog.the game shall be in my inventory on stand by
  10. im pretty sure ZS and Morbus are too different things.
  11. How interested would people be in seeing this game mode as an event or maybe more Im not gonna explain this well but its basically a mode where you try to kill zombie in waves and protect certain points (You can spawn as zombie or human). This video below gives a better explanation Thanks @darkspace44for finding this video
  12. Competely honest since I don't really hop on the servers ill hop on to see if there is anyone on from time to time but retakes doesn't really gain that much traction anymore so i'd be fine to see that go since people could yk get on scrim Bhop really should be out of the question getting rid of it, besides surf if people want a game mode to chill on and talk with friends or servers (like we did with surf before) its perfect, random people still hop on from time to time to play some bhop and im biased cause i honestly prefer bhop over surf even thou my main gamemode when i first started on CS was combat surf This is probably a little bit since we technically already have one but when i was younger i loved TF2 JB, if the TF2 servers start to get more traction it'd be fun to me i'd definitely pop on @Pyro Looga Generally for actual servers the only other thing i can think of as of rn with places where you can create them is FiveM, I liked to indulge in it here and there but i know there WAS a general love for GTA in the community so its possible that it would work and normally since other servers are full people will either sit and wait or they will look for some others servers to play in if they don't have friends on / I don't know how many people play DayZ in here but idk how well it would turn out cause i kinda jus see it as another rust different type of community so its a suggestion but this is my meh #2 one
  13. but lets be honest you were one of the only few grinding out events beforehand thou, congrats everyone too @Dominicis just going for everyone's mom at this point
  14. If people want to remove maps that they don't find fun since they are pretty much played 24/7. Wheres the problem with it? IMO a lot of regs stopped playing just because how repetitive it got in terms of freeday/no orders (or when there are orders people go nazi mode) on top of just straight electric and vipinthemix being always voted and those maps instantly played again once its up. He isn't asking current players what maps they wanna see removed hes asking the entire community.
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