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About WillofCamelot

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  1. I like purple
  2. Finally! Congrats Charlie!
  3. I see you there dude! Hope you're well

  4. Holy shit finally, you always knew that nothing could top the name lampshade. Welcome back my friend.
  5. Congrats everyone! Glad you're back @Leon Mordecai Continue making ZE great again.
  6. Yoo, thanks for putting it on saturday! @the baconator
  7. Hard choice but I got to go with the OG @Clamor
  8. No respect for my man @Gator....
  9. That's a "Mr.freeze" my guy
  10. 5 reply's on your admin app which we're all reapply's. With this "I've noticed youve stopped making sexual comments which is a good thing" written about you. I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself and stop quoting me. Weirdo
  11. I wonder why, it looks like most of these people don't even know who you are, steperd.
  12. Is being a JB player cool now? I've never seen a regular with a year on the forums talk so much shit. Like who do you actually think you are. That 10 day jb award is so cool btw.
  13. Bro who are you? Mark, thrza and yang are the only ones I know.
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