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About GG EZ

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  1. Where population
  2. Still a community you have people coming around, it’s just not a highly active one due to the fact that people always prioritize more important irl stuff to do than be part of the community. So no one does anything
  3. Shout out @R3TROATTACK
  4. hey everybody

    heres a reply
  6. Map was on the server in the past. It was a good map but it was rarely played on the server so it got removed.
  7. All of these groups are needed in some type of way whether it is small or big. I would just not remove them but instead put certain teams together and just have sub-roles in them.
  8. what is grass?
  9. Technoblade...

  10. This is probably gonna be majority of suggestions but make it more map and activities oriented rather then death match 2.0 with a bit of acting/roleplay.
  11. SGLEL 1 2/8 sglel.vercel.app
  12. unexpected but happy about the promotions Congrats guys
  13. 1. I agree, the gameplay/rules should be changed it’s become stale and old with majority of the rounds essentially being war days 2. In my opinion 10/24 looks worse than 10/44. I like to play on servers where theres more people rather than less and seeing 44 instead of 24 means that there’s a chance to have more players on that server. The amount of players on a server can make a server chaotic but it’s more so who is on the server and the rules on the server. Ive played on other jb servers with a warden system and usually it’s not as crazy. The warden would usually be the one talking during the round while Cts/Ts just listen and pitch in here and there. Player slots were increased to 36 back in 2017 by @delirium so historically the server slots have been above 30 more than it has been below 30. If it were to be lowered, going back to 36 would be better, 24 seems too low since the game has evolved to be more mini games focused due to the maps being created for JB and how people like to play games now. 3. Agreed, some perks should just be member perks rather then supporter perks
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