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All Ts

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  1. yeah ur weird tbh

  2. Factual. Hope you're doing alright Liam. Wishing good health, fortune to you and your loved ones.
  3. If anyone immerses themselves in a field to the point where they're intermediate at or where it was worth learning in the first place, you're going to find things that are deeply depressing to you however that doesn't mean it will make you clinically depressed. Whether or not we would categorize that as intelligence either is really up to personal choice. The IQ test can be studied for and many of the ways people find it to be inherent to a person are actually things made up by our environment. We could also confuse being misinformed for intelligence. I see a lot of serial social media users who have 1000 strongly held, wrong opinions that come from 0 evidence. I've also seen successful people, who are immersed in their field, who completely miss some of the things I believe an intermediate learner would pick up on. I believe intelligent people being depressed is a trope with some cases where the disability/mental illness/environmental situation bringing about their depression is actually what gives them a perceived edge in intelligence. As of recently it's been more common to use the terms neurodivergent or neurotypical. I think it's sad and inhumane but if you lived in someone's shoes you'd get to see more of a holistic approach to how someone is created and people don't like to consider environment because it's painful to empathize on that extreme of a level. It's also easier for people to associate what they're feeling at the time with something tangible rather than a lack of serotonin in their brain- even for our most intelligent and ego driven. My final answer is probably no significant correlation.
  4. Don't tolerate bullying from people. If they know what they're doing is bothering you and continue then they don't give a fuck about you. Spend your time honing a craft and bettering yourself personally. You put yourself in a better spot to find quality friends. There's a difference between bullies and buddies. There's a difference between buddies and friends. There's a difference between friends and family. Matters what people do, not what they say/post on socials same reason why despite all of the loud noise surrounding racism, it persists because there's a lot of that energy that is not as genuine as we'd like it to be (and everyone doesn't agree)… Figure out how to harness nuclear fusion. Rewrite a world where every country didn't grief their economy in the early 2000's. then I will enjoy as close to utopia as we're getting before extinction.
  5. Weed V2

    I was wrong in ITT. Have had more experience and education since then. People should stay away from weed when: young(prolly younger than 25). when dealing with mental illness. operating vehicles/heavy machinery. if they have bad reaction(paranoia) or predisposition to addiction. Otherwise it's okay and people should have access to a safer more open-market with good quality control. People being exposed to under dosed, mislabeled shit from someone's basement is silly. SG would be a much nicer place to be around if we subsidized 10mg edibles and that's just a fact.
  6. Good job Acer. Member of the Month for Gentoo is good but, shouldn't have been demoted... and should be a LG. He endured another perm ban in 2018 that was bs in hindsight.
  7. If higher-staff members CA+ voted for the VP I don't think it would become such a popularity contest and it would protect from a lot of the type of abuse you're speaking of. Hypothetically I don't feel that my initial suggestion is anymore of a popularity contest or lacking in objectivism than the system that already exists... I can give one very relevant example. Dominic went from permed, to AO which had some pretty hefty permissions just given back to it, then straight to BD. I'm not shitting on him as a person or even saying this is a bad thing necessarily. He's done good work and SG is better for having him but clearly there is some level of subjectivism baked in at every level. I also think that in the context of the state of the community saying "no one in the community knows everything the BDs do behind the scenes" is kind of a cop out of a statement. It's also worth noting anytime the BD's tend to show their hand and what they're up to it isn't always received well and that happens quite often because A. Some pretty bad decisions have happened and B. You can't always please the people. Mainly A though, it is mainly personal responsibility and not the pickiness of the community. It's not just in big announcements either, its in a lot of the bans and other minutia that goes on. I think a quick yes to that question isn't really spending the proper time to think about what the situation currently is at SG especially with the context of what you've seen/dealt with here personally over the course of over half a decade. I really question the efficacy or need of a senior council role at all that isn't interested in the servers or base level of the community, which is what BD is for SG. It is not server manager plus and is not treated like it is when it should be. I also don't agree with equating VP with BD too much or trying to argue it is strictly ceremonial, though I get your point. In the context of my reply to Gentoo here it certainly is not a ceremonial position and carries real weight in that sense. Despite the fact that BD's are and have always been seen as a council of greybeards if you're someone down on the community level I feel like someone at some point you have been on the other end of BD's being too far away from what's actually going on and because of that the things that happen don't at all match the reality of the situation or the tone of what the community wants/needs. IE. look at the servers and the context of how they've gotten where they are. Staff effort has dissolved for the CS:GO servers and for any servers in general. Where staff in the past would step down or be removed that has not happened and I think that's super irresponsible. CA is supposed to advise the community but has always been a useless role IMO. It would be smart to address one of the communities most blatant flaws by elevating CA+ to a role that is not ceremonial and can actually decide who gets to be class president when Caution is off living a real life. Also, If we're going to call VP ceremonial then we need to start talking about replacing someone else. No?
  8. @Gentoo To clarify something. This is a thread posted back in 2020 where SG was expanding to new GAME SERVERS written by Caution. Who by the way, I don't fault for being busy overseas I just don't understand what the plan is going forward. Here is Gator's server activity since then on some of the servers he has enjoyed in the past: Surf TTT Can we not, at the very least AFK these some or try to populate them if we're at the highest levels of the staff team? It's not just Gator by the way, I can go through and show the same for many other staff members who would swear to you up and down how hard they are trying or have tried to help the community. There's others who came in super ambitious on fixing everything but have the same activity or worse, at the highest levels of staff. If we don't care about these servers at all why retain rank on staff and what is the alternative plan? Why has not a single breathing human been logging JB time to help Dominic out? If people in higher ranks are so disinterested then it's not difficult to create a server for a game you are willing to play, speak up about what is making you feel dispassionate, or stepdown outright. I was joking in the OP but Dominic working JB and being a tyrant BD isn't going to be enough. You guys just got through BoM practically running shit and it seemed to me like him having that role alienated him from the community and put pressure on him personally. Dominic is still capable of being a moron sometimes and it doesn't seem like anyone is going to fight him on any of it. It is really running the same simulation from 2018 hoping Dominic's lack of virginity and experiences in English 201 have prepped him to carry the team.
  9. Do you feel that the current system rewards and has rewarded people who do good work?
  10. Hello fellow Steam-Gamers, You pay your taxes. You have rights. You deserve a say. With Dominic recently appointed to regional governor I would like to suggest a public referendum for the community to be able to vote on the 5 BD's who exist for the VP position every so often. Admin contests in the past have been hugely popular and brought lots of traffic to the forums. We can gather the candidates and have them "discuss" their ideas for the future of Steam-Gamers. VP's should not serve a life term in their seat!
  11. Probably more of common problem then most would admit while also being a good meme.. Transitioning from being more of an antisocial person to more of an empath is something that comes with age, experience, knowledge, responsibility. There's some stuff from the way I grew up that exacerbated antisocial behavior and I managed to let it* invade every corner of my life because I embraced it as a quality. Trying to have an understanding of what others are going through and making well-informed decisions that don't compromise yourself is what I'd most attribute to being a good person. There's a healthy way to balance out the self-preservation that an antisocial person can benefit from while not being a ball of easily exploited emotion.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_e2EUhXdvc
  13. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/13/politics/less-redacted-mar-a-lago-affidavit/index.html https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-subpoenas-government-and-politics-7996b97001d36fba1088c66599bb7f08 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-unseals-additional-portions-heavily-redacted-trump-mar-a-lago-affidavit https://www.businessinsider.com/live-fbi-search-warrant-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-2022-8 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2022/aug/18/trump-affidavit-fbi-hearing-weisselberg-pence-politics-latest-updates Argue the law all the want but do you think that what I said is true? I think that they already know who, when, and how. Why now would the world decide to treat Trump like he hasn't been involved with crime for literally his entire life? These are objective statements and really have nothing to do with political view. I just wanted a reasonable Republican to run and bring things closer to center. There's nothing useful about anything our government is doing right now. Our economy is melting down and the only reason we're not completely fucked at the moment is because Powell took his head out of his asshole finally. Wonder if he'll stick around and deal with the disaster.
  14. @ThRza new album cover
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