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About Luke

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  1. Best of luck with everything Black Rain!
  2. Luke


    1. Ned


      look its the man that made me a weeb 

    2. Luke


      bro can't stop looking at cartoons

    3. Ned


      bro its my life now 

  3. I'm so glad you guys managed to smash the goal set. I feel bad for not being there at the end, though I'm sure I would have just been inaudible when trying to speak. It is so great to see how many people Roux brought happiness to in this community. Well done to all of you that put this together and all that donated. <3
  4. Man I am crying my eyes out. I have only just heard the news and it doesn't feel real. Roux was a great influence here on so many here just by being himself. He was loved. That is reflected by the beautiful messages on this thread. He was always such a genuine, funny and real guy. I still vividly remember meeting him for the first time and having a fun little competition with him on 1v1. I remember laughing at everything he said and just having a blast. I left early, but during the time I had here you were one of the pillars that made this place somewhere many could come to distract themselves from life and have a good time. It's crazy the impact that someone you meet online for only a short time can make. That in itself is a testament to the character you had. I want to send my condolences to his family and those who knew him well. Thank you for every good memory. Love you mate. Rest in peace <3
  5. title

    I was better than you on 1v1, I mean they literally had to take that server down because I couldn't stop winning. Last I heard you had to shorten that longer name of yours to just four letters because you thought that was my secret to success You're a pretty cool, funny, loveable dude. Makes me wish I found the passion to remain active here longer to cement a more long term friendship with ya. Well done on getting so far in the community over the years, I didn't see all of it but I'm sure you did a solid job. I haven't been here for the context of the post and what is going on, but as everyone else says I wish you the best of luck in all that goes on in your personal life Much love from me, would enjoy catching up some time x
  6. You're going on to 17? Damnnnnnn time just disappears You had some real passion in you, I remember you at the start and the strides you took in this community really are impressive. I think you proved a lot of people wrong and although I can't speak for recent times you really grew. Cheers for some good times in the past, I hope to bump into you sometime just to say hi and see what's happening. Take it easy
  7. Ned

    1 order of hugs and kisses please :)

  8. Luke

    please may I take your order sir

  9. Ned

    missed u bighead

  10. Happy birthday!

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