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  1. PDFsam for PDF manipulation (splitting, merging, etc.). Open source, free
  2. happy birthday young king. i miss you

  3. Python: PyCharm Anything else with code: VSCode because of the large variety of syntax highlighting, integrated terminal directly in the IDE, clean interface... Anything else without code: Notepad++
  4. thank you Liam wish you good health and the best now and in the future
  5. clean simple sexy over 6' that's a gator post alright grats all
  6. there's not enough drama in the community anymore with things ramping down to warrant an IA team. I like this change. it keeps things simple, lean, and reflects a community that's trimming the fat in order to grow again. not entirely sure how someone can be brought on as an SM without having people skils and being able to deal with drama and people issues on the server. SM is more than just being a server monkey, so the argument that people aren't ready for IA as SM is moot imho
  7. oh god caution this topic again i don't care what rank (if any) i have, i didn't volunteer for SG for a recognition rank and i don't care if there any perks or ranks associated with being former staff, whatever is easiest for the board works for me. kind of wish we just removed recognition ranks altogether to avoid the discussion of how many we should have, we've probably spent over 100 hours over the years (no exaggeration) discussing and thinking about ths topic
  8. I think it would be good to know how much runway we have in terms of $$$/months left before the last dedi needs to go down due to financial reasons. whatever is being planned over the next few months needs to take this into account
  9. this is an excellent takeaway, and a good stepping stone between where we are now and where we should be in the future. this meeting was one of the most frustrating i've had at SG - it feels like there's too many people in the driver seat at the moment. we just need someone to grab SG by the nuts and run with it. i voiced my tl;dr in the community meeting channel, but to sum it up: CS:GO won't work. it hasn't worked for the past 2 years, and it will continue to not work in the future as the downward trend continues. whichever people in the community who are voicing their support for the continuation of CS:GO aren't getting the big picture that we are out of time, we are out of cash, and CS:GO is no longer the cash cow that it once was. there is no way you will pay the costs of hosting the dedi from CS:GO... it's a waste of time to focus on. if we really are a community that only exists as long as we have CS:GO community servers, then we have no future. i hope the community can compromise on an approach which makes sense to transform SG into a general gaming community, and not one which harps on the continued investment in a dead game btw: please check out v rising, that game is popping off and it happens to have community servers it's really fun, i'm addicted rn
  10. jailbreak*
  11. piss on the toilet rim is gross to clean up, save yourself the trouble and sit to pee some of yall saying it's more manly to pee standing up but after seeing your aim in cs it's ill-advised to do anything except sit down to pee
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