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About Buca

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  1. his creativity. Troy is so.. bland.
  2. there has already been a thread like this as stated, but ill comply. Iphone 3g.
  3. Bucadibeppo... Obviously.
  4. Bills

    bills are teh bestest
  5. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=com+OR+net+OR+org+OR+JP+OR+gov+OR+us+OR+i+OR+u&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
  6. Canadians are cool, therye just usually bad at singing
  7. Guns don't kill ppl, penises do.
  8. X-mas gifts?

  9. For a Canadian, hes pretty good.
  10. wtf is google on?

    Now what?
  11. Your problem is that your fraps or other software is taking your mic as the hardware that needs to be recorded, so to make sure that its recoding IN-GAME sound. To do this for fraps, you need to check under the movies tab, and check .
  12. Will it Blend?

    He needs some acting classes.
  13. the rap is just full of win.
  14. Sick 1 deag.

    Sure it was a good shot, but theres no need to make a whole thread to show a 5 second clip of it.
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