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James Bond the medic

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About James Bond the medic

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  1. Web designer or a midwife...... I get to see all the vaginas hue.
  2. u totally r FIXED, AW YEAH
  3. sounds like someones jeluz.
  4. Well done on admin, imposter >:(

  5. red :o cause blue team is always getting beat up in ALL the meet the - videos.
  6. I want in :> but when is this starting? D:
  7. Just you wait till i see you on TTT

  8. Don't be disappointed in me :( I am, after all, genuine :d

  9. ......... GET OUT..
  10. bye bye from jimmy the paramedic :[
  11. I read and stopped after you pulled random statistics out of your ass to prove a point and proceeded to talk down a 16 year old whos just trying to play a game.
  12. Nobody cares. All I see in that chat log is you pushing your idea's and "experience" onto a sorry so-and-so that doesnt give a rats ass (and probably now regrets adding you to his friends list). Also gaming can be educational you're completely ignoring that side arent you? (I remember at school, when I was like 6-7 in ICT we had these english, maths and science games get @ me). needs more dancing trollface >:o
  13. afamad + girlfriend? WHAT WITCHCRAFT IS THIS.
  14. likewise cause orange is orange :[ (i hate you orange)
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