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About iNorris

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  1. Title says it all. I just get so lost...
  2. 3/4 of that price is the most expensive server IT support possible. In America, we call that misrepresentation. Y'all go back to Iraq, ya ter'rist.
  3. Hey iNorris just wanna say whats up dude...


    While it has no effect on me at all... Fuck no.
  5. SURPRISE APPEARANCE. I chose Spartan because he's the only person that every gave some true lovin' to the surf servers when I was a regular here. Fuck Paul. Nobody like Runescape.
  6. Ok one more thing. Sorry for spammin ur wall but I want to apologise I remmber the convo we had on Steam. I am sorry bro

  7. I would be angry to find someone who did it in BFBC2. The amount of GOL snipers with magnum ammo and 12x sights does NOT need to be increased.
  8. om sorry if i made u mad bout anythihg i am still abi drunk i want u to talk to mw oK>/??

  9. A bit drawn out (from time of cap start to sandvich) but otherwise good.
  10. Portal 3???

    I actually think that there is a fair chance of a sequel. The original Portal was more of a cult hit, in my opinion. With Portal 2, Valve was able to reel in the average Joe gamer, and after such a fantastic display, they can cash out on it easily with a third installment. They can just ride the popularity wave, get in and out in a breeze, and end up with a nice heap of money. On the other hand, there's no denying that the Half-Life series is Valve's cash cow, so to speak, and I think they want to get that over with next. Plus, they just love throwing in little connections between the Portal/HL "worlds", and I didn't notice any tie-ins. Those would potentially come in through Portal 3.
  11. There isn't a planet that is identifiably hospitable to life within the range of our best telescopes...so I think any living organisms that do live out there would be hard-pressed to find ours.
  12. I celebrate it. Hell, I've been fasting for 40 days, I'm going to celebrate till the cows come home.
  13. For the record, I left because I felt I didn't deserve admin. Garfield did it when he was about to leave just for shits and gigs, and that kinda pissed me off. I have no qualms with Amit. In fact, it seems that him and Charles did quite a good job.

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