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About Crawfish

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  1. Yoooooo! Huge congrats @Maniac! Super well deserved my man. I'm sure you've already been up to great things and you'll only continue the good stuff.
  2. :hoi: ho ho

    el pee es!

  3. I love rtd plug-ins!!! we should get one for ttt and ze too.
  4. Of course I'll be there! I never miss a ZE event if I can help it. I'm excited for @Nate. to lead us to a nice W. Now that the event times have been pushed back, I can actually show up at the beginning. Which is important cuz it seems our morale goes down pretty fast when we don't have our team cheerleaders there. I'm loving the new 7pm EST event time! See y'all Sunday.
  5. Wow big ups this time around! Quite the star-studded cast we got here. Congrats all!
  6. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to ZE all these years!


    You're a true zombie escaper and a wonderful manager. 

    But most importantly, you're a great friend.


    I wish you all the best in real life endeavors!


    Hopefully one day ZE will be alive and thriving again and then I can count on your return ;)

  7. Reddit moment

    A) not the same post. if you read it you'd notice the differences B) your post is currently closed for *some strange reason*. so I can't reply to it and other members won't be able to inform me of their favorite big and small subreddits. C) please stay on topic. you didnt even answer the question. i'd prefer this thread didn't get closed too. In your thread you mentioned your favorite big sub was r/BigFloppa, but what is your favorite small subreddit? I really hoped MY thread would reveal some interesting lesser-known subs because I enjoy subreddits when they a smaller audience tbh
  8. Reddit moment

    Ok guys this could be a cool thread if we *stay on topic* and remember to have fun. What is your favorite subreddit right now? Bonus question: what is your favorite smaller subreddit? (lesser known and hopefully less than 500,000 subscribers) My fav sub is r/eyebleach My fav smaller sub is r/nocontextpics
  9. @lyn the bully getting super bullied for real out here. you hate to see it
  10. @Takuto @kuri We've been practicing for this!!!! Finally our time to shine. These kids gonna be stuck at the starting line while we cross the finish line.
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