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About ItzMiLK

ItzMiLK's Achievements

  1. Aim punch is when a player doesn't have any armor and is damaged, causing the crosshair to raise up dramatically during fire. I think what you're trying to say is if a T is undergoing an LR and someone is shooting him (outside of the LR) causing him to have a harder chance of successfully inflicting damage by interfering with his aim, is it allowed?
  2. Congrats, Dominic enjoy your time up there
  3. bye matt ill miss you. Hope you do well in life, good luck
  4. [YOUTUBE]Zgmvg-zzctI[/YOUTUBE]
  5. 31 thanks man
  6. Congrats
  7. Congratz!
  8. Gang Beast

    I'm down.
  9. Congrats!
  10. The blue shell from Mario cart, doesn't do anything but piss off first place.
  11. Congrats Dominic I knew you could make it. Congrats to everyone else especially you Donald.
  12. Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween
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